4 reasons why you should invest in a Whistleblower reporting system

With the entry into force of the Whistleblower Protection Directive, employers subject to its provisions were obliged to implement an internal reporting channel, which should be an IT system. Its implementation is necessary to provide the reporting persons with adequate protection and an efficient communication channel. Below are 4 reasons why organizations should invest in a Whistleblower reporting system.

Quick and effective fraud identification.

Before the entry into force of international legislation on Whistleblower protection, many people feared the potential repercussions of informing employers about the irregularities they witnessed. Often, even despite irrefutable evidence, employees did not report illegal activities, which deteriorated both the atmosphere and the business interests of enterprises. Everything changed due to the establishment of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council on October 23, 2019, where the areas in which Whistleblowers can report violations have been indicated. Belong to them:

  • services, products, and financial markets,
  • public procurement,
  • preventing money laundering and terrorist financing,
  • product safety and compliance with the requirements,
  • transport safety,
  • food and feed safety,
  • security of networks and ICT systems,
  • radiological protection and nuclear safety,
  • environmental protection,
  • consumer protection,
  • protection of privacy and personal data,
  • public health,
  • animal health and welfare,
  • the financial interests of the European Union,
  • the internal market of the European Union, including competition and state aid rules, and corporate taxation.

All fraud and irregularities related to the above sectors can be reported via the internal channel. It can be a safe and compliant system for managing Whistleblower reports.

Efficient risk management.

Effective risk management consists of effective forecasting of risk factors in various time horizons and analyzing many scenarios. The goal of the ticket management system is primarily to provide Whistleblowers with a security tool that will protect the confidentiality of their identity. Whistleblower software brings benefits for the entire enterprise because it allows one to collect, handle and solve all noticed and reported problems in one system. Moreover, the implementation of an internal channel enables enterprises to focus on accurate risk management and effective assessment of the situation in the organization. Due to these activities, companies can prevent problems from appearing before they have a significant negative impact on the functioning of the company.

Improving the company's image.

Investing in an effective, safe, and reliable system for managing reports is an opportunity to improve and maintain a positive image of the company. Then, the company sends its Clients a message that it is honest, cares for the welfare of its employees, effectively reacts to problems, and resolves conflict situations at an early stage of their occurrence. Also, people who apply for a job in a given organization do not have to worry about long-term problems, because due to the reporting system, all irregularities are efficiently detected and effectively eliminated.

Maximizing occupational health and safety.

Whistleblowers can use the internal channel, which is the reporting system, also to signal health and safety situations. Identifying problems at an early stage of their occurrence can save not only health, but in some cases also the lives of employees, and thus prevent legal consequences. Importantly, every employee has the right to refuse work that he considers to be non-compliant with safety requirements. The implementation of the reporting system proves that the company is also serious about BPH regulations.

Prepare your company for the entry into force of the act on the protection of persons who report violations and provide it with a reliable, secure, and compliant with the currently applicable regulations of Whistleblower system.